We are the largest crane lorry repair specialist in Scotland and are here to keep you compliant and your equipment safe for use. Our thorough examination and testing program for customer’s cranes and equipment is based on a combination of ALLMI recommendations, LOLER (The Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) standards. Much of it based on BS 7121 Parts 2+4, a code of practice for the safe use of cranes.
If you are currently operating a loader crane, you will know that it is a legal requirement that the crane must be tested every 12 months and failure to do so could affect your operator’s licence. Any attachments, for example buckets or grabs must also be checked but these tests must be carried out every 6 months.
Alltruck would recommend that we service your crane every 6 months to minimise downtime. By doing so, if minor faults are identified they can be addressed early and by identifying them early they won’t develop in to much more serious and potentially expensive faults.
We provide a 12 month inspection on loader cranes and carry out 4 yearly over load testing as set out by HSE guidelines. Is your crane compliant and safe? Call to book a FREE crane inspection today.
FACT Scheduled inspections and servicing prevent faults going unnoticed and save you money long-term. Get yours checked.