Supporting our community
Because giving really is better than receiving.
Supporting our community - Because giving really is better than receiving.
Alltruck are very active in our community and understand the need for local businesses to get involved with supporting our young people, underprivileged and vulnerable within our society and on a wider scale. It is very rewarding for everyone at Alltruck to be involved with such great causes and inspirational people and we would encourage other businesses to also do what they can for their local communities. It doesn't cost huge amounts of money, it can be as simple as giving up some of your time to help at a fundraising event or promoting projects to customers that really make a difference to peoples lives.
This year we have decided to support Scottish charity Mary's meals who do some incredible work that has really touched us. We aim to raise enough money to sponsor a School for a year in Malawi and hope that our customers and suppliers will help us achieve this goal over the next few months. Please watch out for our planned events and promotions next year, your support will make a huge difference to peoples lives here and abroad.
Alltruck have chosen Scottish based Mary’s Meals as our main charity to put our full focus on promoting over the next few years. Mary’s Meals sets up and runs school feeding programmes in communities where hunger and poverty prevent children from gaining an education and at least 93p of every £1 donated is spent on its charitable work.
Dunipace Football Club are our local junior football team based in Denny, just a few minutes drive from our head office in Bonnybridge. Formed in 1988 "The Pace" as they are known are always very appreciative of what we can do for them in way of financial support and fundraising.
Hip Hip Hooray it's Denny Gala Day! and we couldn't resist a bit of fun for the day whilst helping out our local Dance studio Dancetek by providing one of our very own heavy commercials as a float for the day.
We were delighted to help founder Craig Penman when he approached us for sponsorship and we look forward to hearing all about the clubs progress and hopefully competition wins in the future. Having started the Karate club over 37 years ago, Craig and his instructors have trained thousands of local adults and kids over the years, many of which have had great success in the sport.